1.who is the world best player ..answer: lionel messi (24) of Agentina
2. which of these is true about the 2009 economic melt down?(a) all the world countries were affected (b) It affected only Nigeria (c) only the countries in Europe and Asia exprience (d) it only affected America and Britain.. ans.a
3. one of these is a type of family (a) socialization( b) extended family ( c) nuclear family (d) compound family..ans. a
4. where is the source of the river Niger (a) lake superior (b) lake victoria (c) futa Djallon highland (d) mount kilimanjero.. ans.c
5.a place were man lives and operate is called (a) teretary (b) surounden (c) social environment (d) environment.. ans. c
6.all are agents of socialization except (a) school (b) church (c) family (d) bribery and corruption.. ans. d
7. what is the full meaning of AIDS..ans acqire immune deficiency syndrome
8. AIDS was first discovered in ... (a) malawi (b) rwanda (c) united states of America (usa) (d) cambodia ..ans. c
8. the coolest social group which the child interact with is ............ ans. family
9.building and road are the physical environmental features of .... animal ..ans. man
10.which of the tribe in Nigeria are known to be cattle rearer and why..ans. fulani and because of normadic life style